Pelvic Floor Therapy in Greenville

Experience Total Body Wellness

Helping active women be strong, fit, & pain-free through total body health and wellness.

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Over 200 5-Star Google Reviews

Each five-star Google review represents a patient we were able to help find a solution for their pain and ailments. We look forward to many more in the coming years!

2023 Best of Upstate finalist

We are proud to be named Best of Upstate finalist. This acknowledgment is a testament to the talent, dedication, and contributions of our staff to our Greenville community!

5-Star Facebook Reviews

Each five-star Facebook review represents a patient we were able to help find a solution for their pain and ailments. We look forward to many more in the coming years!

Body Works New Services Launch Event May 30!

Click here for more info and to RSVP

Top-Rated Pelvic Floor Therapy in Greenville

Our team recognizes your desire for an active, comfortable, and capable lifestyle. To attain this, your body must be in optimal condition. Facing pain, injury, or weakness in your pelvic floor can be especially bewildering and frustrating.

We are committed to the belief that everyone deserves a fully functional pelvic floor. Drawing on our experience with these specific problems, we have successfully guided thousands back to their active lifestyles.


Personalized Care from Our Team

Every individual is unique, and when it comes to pelvic floor concerns, the variations in conditions and experiences are vast. Recognizing this, our dedicated team of pelvic floor therapy specialists is committed to providing personalized care that acknowledges your specific needs. After a thorough assessment of your condition, we’ll craft a bespoke treatment plan designed to address your unique challenges and goals, ensuring you receive the most effective care. Our compassionate team will be with you at every step, offering tailored support and guidance to help you regain comfort and enhance your well-being.

Would Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy be Beneficial for You?

Take this brief quiz to find out if you would benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy… We promise it won’t take long! This quiz is so helpful in making a decision and gaining more clarity as to what is going on.

Our Proven 4-Phase Recovery Program

It can be frustrating and overwhelming when you have pain, leaking, or discomfort and don’t know where to turn for help. Our pelvic floor physical therapy experts will work with you one-on-one to identify the root cause of your problem and create a personalized treatment plan that will reduce your symptoms quickly. We’ll also provide you with helpful resources like exercises and pain reduction tips so you can continue to progress even after leaving our clinic. On average our patients see a significant improvement in their pain, leaking, or discomfort in 6 visits or less.
We all know that reducing your symptoms is important, but sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated after the initial relief. It can be tough to keep up the momentum after your pain or symptoms have subsided. You may feel like you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get moving again. During this phase, we help you regain your mobility, flexibility, and strength so you can continue on your path to success. With our help, you’ll be primed for future performance and able to prevent future symptoms or injury.
You’ve been sidelined by pain, leaking, or discomfort and you’re eager to get back to your old self as soon as possible. It’s frustrating when you’re dealing with pain or leaking and can’t do the things you love. Sitting on the sidelines is hard, especially when everyone else seems to be moving on without you. That’s where our pelvic floor physical therapists come in. We’ll help you rehab your problem so that you can get back to your old self as quickly as possible. With our personalized treatment plans and experienced pelvic floor physical therapists, we’ll have you feeling like yourself again in no time. Instead of someone lifting a box, maybe someone lifting a weight?

You’ve just suffered from pain, leaking, or discomfort and the last thing you want to do is go through that again. It’s normal to feel concerned that the pain or leaking will occur again. In fact, most people worry about this very thing. That’s why our pelvic floor physical therapists make sure that you are equipped with the tools needed to prevent any future injury or problem. We’ll help you recover quickly and safely so that you can get back to your life as soon as possible.

Success Stories & Testimonials

Meet Our Team



Dr. Elizabeth Eldridge






f you’re dealing with chronic joint or muscle pain that makes movement difficult, orthopedic physical therapy can help. At Body Works Women’s Health & Wellness, our experienced physical therapists specialize…


If you deal with pelvic pain or dysfunction, you know the havoc it can wreak on your quality of life. Simple activities like sitting, standing, or going to the bathroom can become incredibly difficult and painful.

Physical therapy

If you’re dealing with pelvic pain or dysfunction, you don’t have to suffer silently or try to “grin and bear it”. At the Body Works Women’s Health & Wellness clinic in Greenville, our skilled pelvic health…


The months after giving birth can be a challenging time. Your body has gone through immense change and you likely feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Getting back into shape may be the furthest thing from your mind.

Real Time Ultrasound

Living with chronic muscle, joint, or nerve pain can greatly reduce your quality of life. Simple activities like working, exercising, or playing with your kids can become difficult or impossible.


Our specialized “Breast Health” service is dedicated to those experiencing discomfort and hurdles in their breastfeeding journey, especially due to clogged milk ducts. Clogged ducts can lead to significant pain and reduce milk…

Free Phone Consultation

Do you have questions? Schedule a call with one of our physical therapists so you get the answers you need before booking an appointment with our team in Greenville.

$59 Diagnostic Consult

Are you considering pelvic floor physical therapy? Apply for a Discovery Visit so you can have clarity and confidence in your decision to work with us.

Ask About Cost and Availability

Curious about the cost and availability of pelvic floor physical therapy? Click the button to complete the form to make an informed decision about your health.

Live with Confidence in

Our dedicated team is here for those seeking to regain control and comfort in their lives through pelvic floor therapy. We recognize the challenges that come with pelvic floor issues, including pain, discomfort, or weakness, which can significantly impact your ability to enjoy an active, fulfilling lifestyle.

We are committed to your well-being, understanding firsthand the frustration that comes from physical limitations. With our extensive experience and compassionate approach, we’ve successfully guided countless individuals back to a life of activity and comfort. You deserve a body that supports your every move, and we’re here to help you achieve that.

This is how we do it:

  1. Tell us your story
  2. Get your customized plan.
  3. Start feeling better.
  4. Conquer your goals.

Our Pelvic Floor Therapy Programs

At our clinic, we are dedicated to providing exceptional pelvic floor therapy and personalized training plans, ensuring you receive the care and support you need.

Our comprehensive programs are crafted to empower you on your journey to improved physical well-being. Beginning with effective pain relief strategies, we guide you through targeted exercises aimed at strengthening your pelvic floor muscles.

As you progress, you’ll engage in functional training exercises designed to enhance your mobility and stability. The final phase focuses on injury prevention, equipping you with the knowledge and techniques to maintain your newfound strength and prevent future issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect during my first visit?

An initial evaluation includes assessing your strengths and weaknesses, posture, range of motion, joint mobility, breathing and movement patterns, checking your muscles to see if you have tight or sore muscles, and analyzing your gait pattern. These findings will determine your individualized plan of care.

What do you treat?
  • Pelvic pain
  • Back pain
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  • Hip pain
  • Sciatica
  • Pregnancy & Postpartum
  • Headaches
  • Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction
  • Endometriosis
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Discomfort from nursing
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Difficulty walking
  • Caesarean and/or Episiotomy Scar pain
  • Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
  • Safe exercise during pregnancy
  • Resuming Exercises postpartum (as early as one week after delivery)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Pain with intimacy
  • Pubic symphysis dysfunction (SPD)
  • Post-surgical care
  • Sports injuries
  • Weakness
What do treatment sessions include?

Body Works Women’s Health and Wellness utilizes current research to provide each patient with the most up to date and innovative treatment techniques. Our treatment sessions provide patients with specialized one-on-one care. Treatment plans may include any of the following, but all treatment plans are individually designed to each patient’s unique needs.

Treatment Services:

  • Strengthening
  • Stretching
  • Manual Therapy (Joint Mobilization/Soft and
  • Deep Tissue Mobilization
  • Breathing techniques
  • Pain management techniques
  • Scar mobility
  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
  • Core Stabilization
  • Labor and Delivery Positioning Strategies
  • Injury Prevention
  • Body Mechanics Training
  • Home Exercise Programs
  • Long Term Management Strategies
  • Real Time Ultrasound
Do you accept insurance?

Body Works Women’s Health & Wellness is intentionally an out of network and cash based provider. This allows us to provide personalized evaluations, necessary treatments, and create an individualized plan of care that is otherwise dictated by insurance reimbursement requirements. A detailed receipt will be provided to you upon request for you to self-submit to your insurance. We can review your out of network benefits for you, and also request you verify these prior to your appointment if you have questions regarding reimbursement.

We can verify for you what your reimbursement could look like.

Do I need a Physician's Referral?

South Carolina has direct access for 30 days, which means you are not required to have a physician referral during that time. Once we’ve finished your assessment, we’ll send your assessment to your preferred physician, a medical provider who can write a prescription/referral like an MD, DO, NP, PA, CNM, to have signed off on your plan of care, which will replace your need for a referral.

Do you accept Health Savings Accounts (HSA) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)?

Yes. We will provide you with a detailed superbill or receipt of your visits for you to send into your insurance company. Please review the rules and regulations of your HSA or FSA before your appointment.

How long are the appointments?

We place a high value on individualized treatment, and we want this to be the best healthcare experience you’ve ever had! Because we spend so much time with you, we’re able to accomplish a lot during each visit. Your initial evaluation and follow-up sessions are up to an hour so you and your pelvic floor physical therapist will have the time necessary to get to know each other and get to the root cause of your issue.

I'm going to be on my period the day of my appointment, should I reschedule?

Not at all, being on your period doesn’t mean you need to reschedule your appointment. First of all, we can still do a pelvic floor assessment even if you are on your period. If you are fine with it, we are totally fine with it. Second, if you defer the pelvic floor assessment while on your period, there are still so many things we can talk about, assess, and treat that aren’t involving needing to assess the pelvic floor right away. We don’t want you to miss out on your care just because your period has arrived.