Christian Counseling Associates
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It’s Easy and Saves Time!
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Richard Hoffman, Ph.D.
Clinical Director of Christian Counseling Associates
Substance Addiction Counseling
Often, recovery from addiction can seem challenging, isolated, or even impossible. Let Christian Counseling Associates stand with you! CCA provides compassionat
All calls are confidential.
Our call center is available to schedule appointments
Monday – Friday/8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Office Hours:
By Appointment: 8AM - 9:30 PM
Availability of Counselors may vary
What Sets Us Apart
Our Workshops and Seminars
Extraordinary Parenting
Christian Counseling Associates offers a proven parenting skills program that combines the wisdom of Christian faith and research tested techniques with principles that will strengthen your family.
Through group participation led by licensed professional counselors, parents will improve their ability to integrate Christian faith and effective discipline into an overall parenting style that builds solid family bonds.
Workshops are presented within a 6-week, 2-hour format. Members will learn methods to improve communication within their families as well as build solid foundations in their children for the upcoming Embrace the Joy of Parenting teen years.
Extraordinary Marriage
Christian Counseling Associates is offering Extraordinary Marriage! A dynamic six-week marriage class designed to help you look deeper into the heart of your most important earthly relationship.
Sessions will include activities for couples, biblical teachings, relationship assessments, communication tools and steps to immediately put these principles into action. Whether your marriage is the best it has ever been or in serious need, “Extraordinary Marriage” will be a blessing.
Our Founder and Clinical Director, Dr. Rich Hoffman, and our expert clinical staff are available for onsite workshops and seminars. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Christian Approaches to Mental Health Issues
- Developing Peer-Led Counseling Programs in the Local Church
- Managing Stress and Burnout
- Conflict Resolution in the Church Community
- Understanding Addiction and Ministry Response
Ask Christian Counseling Associates
PODCAST 51 | Sexual Abuse, You Be the Judge: Reflecting on the Menendez Brothers Trial
This time on Ask Christian Counseling Associates, we meet with special guest, CCA Counselor Tyler Erickson, as we explore the deep and lasting impact of childhood…
Visit On Youtube – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 50 | Broken Faith: How Church Corruption Impacts Families
This time on Ask Christian Counseling Associates, we meet with special guest, Reverend Robert Zilhaver, Pastor of St. Marys Methodist Church and Consultant to CCA, as we explore subtle types of church …
Visit on YouTube – CLICK HERE
PODCAST 49 | Pilgrims of El Camino de Santiago
This time on Ask Christian Counseling Associates we meet with special guest CCA counselor Kent Rogers as we discuss the pilgrimage of El Camino de Santiago, and faith, sacrifice, and transformation.
Visit on YouTube- CLICK HERE
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