Therapy Leeds Erene Headshot

About Erene

As an Integrative Psychotherapist I offer weekly appointments to support people to make changes through talking therapy. My approach is collaborative, pro-active, and focused on making changes with you.
You are welcome to access my services however you identify. This includes members of the LGBT+ community, and people of any cultural and ethnic heritages.
Areas I can support you with incIude: understanding and managing emotions, depression, anxiety, personal development, personal identity, relationships, and trauma. My professional focus is with people of any gender who have experienced sexual violence, including those who are navigating the criminal justice system.


Confidential psychotherapy and supervision services in a safe, private space in Chapeltown/Chapel Allerton in Leeds (LS7) or securely online. Please get in touch to schedule a consultation in the first instance, or contact me with any questions you might have. When we meet for a consultation, we will take time to discuss what you are looking for in order to see if we can work together.

psychotherapy leeds

Psychotherapy & Supervision in Leeds or Online

Therapeutic Help

Private psychotherapy and counselling is offered on a short to long-term basis (including open-ended work).

Professional & Confidential

I am a qualified Integrative Psychotherapist and able to provide counselling and psychotherapy...


Services are offered in Chapeltown/Chapel Allerton (Leeds, LS7). There is free parking directly outside as well as bus stops nearby.

Services Available

Psychotherapy and counselling and supervision in a private, confidential space in Chapeltown/Potternewton in Leeds...

Appointments offered in a confidential and private space in Chapeltown/Potternewton in Leeds (LS7) or online via a secure platform.


Chapeltown / Chapel Allerton (LS7)

